Martha E. Gifford
Martha E. Gifford is past President, Director, and Judiciary Committee Chair of NYWBA, and a founder, past Vice President, and current Director of the NYWBA Foundation, Inc. She is also past President, Vice President, Secretary, Director, and Committee Chair of WBASNY. Since April 2007, she has had a solo practice concentrating in antitrust counseling, following nearly 20 years at Proskauer Rose LLP, where she co-chaired the Antitrust Practice Group. She has been named a Super Lawyer in Antitrust Practice every year since the honor was established in 2006. She is past Chair and current Executive Committee member of the Antitrust Law Section of the NYS Bar Association, from which she received the Lifland Service Award; served on the Antitrust and Trade Regulation Committee of the New York City Bar; and is Chair of the Board of Governors of the NYS Attorney-Client Fee Dispute Resolution Program, to which she was first appointed by then-Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye. She is also the recipient of NYWBA’s prestigious Hon. Florence E. Allen Award and of WBASNY’s Joan Ellenbogen Founders Award. A few years ago, NYWBA renamed its annual program for law students and new attorneys as the “Martha E. Gifford Summer Program on What It’s (Really) Like to Practice Law in NYC as a Woman,” in recognition of her founding of this event and her advocacy for mentoring and supporting women in the law.