Webinar: Bridging the Working Women Retirement Income Gap


September 30, 2020 1:00 pm

The New York Women’s Bar Association is proud to present a
Bridging the Working Women Retirement Income Gap

Presented by:

Prudential Advisors

This event is free to current NYWBA & WBASNY Members Only.

Presenters James Licata and Rachelle Gayer are both licensed Financial Planners with Prudential Advisors.  They will guide members through the differences between women’s finances and those of their male counterparts, and provide strategies to help women meet their financial goals.

James is business person with over 25 years’ experience, and a recovering systems engineer, whose wife Lisa is past president of the Bronx Women’s Bar Association.

Rachelle is a classically trained musician whose passion for providing financial services grew from personal family experiences whose outcomes were far from optimal.  She is a member of THE LOFT, which is the Westchester-based LGBTQ+ community center, and has provided its members with financial wellness seminars.

The NYWBA recognizes the serious economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our members. Women have suffered a proportionally greater impact on their finances, with women accounting for 55% of the 20.5 million workers who became unemployed in April, compared to a 13% unemployment rate for men. Women face a wage gap, are more likely to interrupt their careers to care for children and aging or sick relatives, and experience many additional challenges when saving for retirement. Studies have shown that women continue to fall behind in their financial confidence and education. This year, the NYWBA will host a series of webinars aimed at empowering our members with the knowledge to help them achieve financial fitness.

Date September 30, 2020
Time 1:00 — 2:00 p.m.
Place via Zoom conference
Cost Free – NYWBA & WBASNY Members Only
Info Email ed@nywba.org for more info.

RSVP before September 28, 2020

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