Cooking with Jennifer Brown-DiBlasi
April 27, 2023 6:00 pm
WBASNY Wellness Committee cordially invites you to cook with us!
WBASNY member and cookbook author, Jennifer Brown-DiBlasi, will be teaching us to make Fresh Pasta from scratch and then how to use the pasta in her favorite dish, Pasta Alla Norma!
This is a virtual, interactive event. During the virtual cooking class, you will learn how to prepare this fresh pasta in your own home.
An ingredient list and list of necessary supplies, as well as suggested wine pairings, will be forwarded in advance to all registered attendees.
Once the meal is prepared, please feel free to continue to socialize virtually with fellow WBASNY attendees while enjoying your healthy meal!
Jennifer’s cookbook:
When Life Hands You Lemons
An Attorney’s Journey Through Quarantine As An At Home Chef
Available in hard cover and e-cookbook format
$5.00 discount on hard cover copies with code WBASNY
Cost: $20 members, $30 non-members, free to law students
Sponsorship Opportunities Available