CLE: “Elder Abuse”


October 15, 2015 6:00 pm

NYWBA Criminal Law Committee,
Matrimonial & Family Law Committee,
Children’s Rights Committee,
Elder Law & Disabilities Committee,
Domestic Violence Committee,
Impact Center for Public Interest Law
at New York Law School,
Gender Fairness Committee, New York
County, Supreme Court, and
NYC Criminal Court Gender Fairness Committee presents
CLE: “Elder Abuse” featuring 

Hon. Deborah A. Kaplan, Moderator
Deputy Chief Administrative Judge for Courts within New York City
Statewide Coordinating Judge for Family Violence Cases

Hon. Judy Harris Kluger
Executive Director, Sanctuary for Families

Arlene Markarian
Chief, Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse Unit,
Kings County District Attorney’s Office

Professor Ann Goldweber
Director of Consumer Justice for the Elderly: Litigation Clinic

Please join us at this informative program where speakers will discuss conduct that constitutes elder abuse, resources for victims and services provided by the District Attorney’s Office.



Date: Thursday, October 15, 2015
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Location: New York Law School
185 Broadway, NYC
CLE: 1.5 CLE Credits1
Info: To RSVP for this event, please click here.

1CLE: Provided by Appellate Division, First Department, an accredited CLE provider.

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