CLE: “Don’t Try This at Home: The Questionable Ethics of Better Call Saul”
April 20, 2016 5:30 pm
NYWBA Ethics CLE Program
“Don’t Try this at Home:
The Questionable Ethics of Better Call Saul”
Nicole I. Hyland, Esq.
Partner, Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz, PC
With additional commentary and insights by
Hon. Barbara Jaffe
Hon. Joan B. Lobis
Tyler Maulsby, Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz and
Secretary of the Professional Ethics Committee of the NYC Bar Association
As lawyers, we can learn a lot from antics of lawyer Saul Goodman – the popular character from the hit television shows Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.* This 1.5 credit ethics CLE program uses humorous clips from Better Call Saul as a launching pad to discuss a wide range of ethics issues. Topics include:
- Ethics in Negotiations
- Litigation ethics
- The duty of candor to the court
- Attorney advertising
- Legal fees and retainers
Be entertained and learn about ethics at the same time!
* No prior knowledge of Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul is required
Date: | Wednesday, April 20, 2016 |
Time: | 5:30 p.m. – Registration & Networking 6:00 p.m. – Annual Meeting & Elections 6:30-8:00 p.m. – Ethics CLE Program |
Location: | Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz, PC, 488 Madison Avenue (between 51st and 52nd Streets) 10th Floor, NYC |
CLE: | 1.5 Ethics CLE Credits 1. |
Cost: | Meeting and/or CLE – Complimentary for members2 Meeting (only) – Complimentary for non-members CLE Program – $50 for non-members & Guests3 Light refreshments will be served.Due to space limitations, advance registration is required. |
1CLE: NYWBA is a founding chapter of the WBASNY, an accredited CLE provider. Approval of CLE credit is pending in accordance with the requirements of the NYS CLE Board for the above-listed credit hours for established attorneys and as transitional credit hours for newly admitted attorneys.
2Membership: If you are not a current member, go to to join or renew using our secure online membership form. Presenters thank NYWBA for underwriting a portion of the costs of this program so members can attend for free.
3Financial Hardship Scholarships: Full and partial scholarships are available based on financial need. All requests are confidential. For info and to apply, contact Amy B. Goldsmith, NYWBA CLE Chair (