NYWBA’s Virtual Awards & Installation Ceremony


June 10, 2021 6:00 pm

Please join us to celebrate the New York Women’s Bar Association’s 

2021 Virtual Annual Awards
and Installation Ceremony

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The President’s Special Award will be presented to

Honorable Letitia A. James
New York State Attorney General

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The Florence E. Allen Award will be presented to

Honorable Rosalyn Richter

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The Award of Recognition will be presented to

Honorable Matthew F. Cooper

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Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.

Zoom Cocktail Hour at 6:45 p.m.
Wine and Dessert Provided

Silent Auction to Benefit the NYWBA Foundation 

$100 – for Members & Non-Members

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Click here to RSVP.

To purchase tickets, you must click on the “registration” button to create and account.

Click here to Sponsor the 2021 Annual Awards Ceremony

Amanda B. Norejko will be installed as 2021-2022 NYWBA President

Incoming Officers to be Installed
Magnolia D. Levy, Vice President
Jocelyn L. Jacobson, Vice President
Melissa Ephron-Mandel, Vice President
Sabrina E. Morrissey, Treasurer
Lissett Ferreira, Recording Secretary
Morgan Fraser Mouchette, Corresponding Secretary
Virginia A. LoPreto, Immediate Past President

Incoming Board of Directors to be Installed

Yacine Barry-Wun
Leona Beane
Hon. Laura E. Drager
Yasmin Dwedar
Julie Hyman
Alexandra King
Kay Marmorek
Nidhi Shetye
Crystal Villasenor

Directors Continuing in Office

Jennifer P. Brown
Dawn M. Cardi
Meaghan E. Carey
Tara Diamond
Vivian R. Drohan
Hon. Judith J. Gische
Amy B. Goldsmith
Hon. Sherry Klein Heitler
Fran R. Hoffinger
Nicole I. Hyland
S. Yan Sin
Judith E. White

 NYWBA Members of WBASNY Board to be Installed

Elizabeth A. Bryson
Dawn M. Cardi
Hon. Betty Weinberg Ellerin
Lissett Ferreira
Jocelyn L. Jacobson
Magnolia D. Levy
Virginia A. LoPreto
Marjorie A. Martin
Sabrina E. Morrissey
Hon. Jacqueline W. Silbermann